Top 10 Scary Zodiac Urban Legends You Should Fear

Top 10 Scary Zodiac Urban Legends You Should Fear
kicking off our list at number 10 dangerous scorpios yeah we'll start off with the zodiac sign i was nearly assigned to i was born a month early luckily so now i'm a libra but had i been born from october 23rd to november 22nd it would be scorpio season i would be a badass apparently i don't know scorpios are brave they're bashful souls they're known to rush into danger head-on like a scorpion with their ass horn thing behind them i don't like them they're ambitious they're fierce but they're also quite jealous who knew it was almost one of them i'm definitely one of them they have a venom inside them like their name suggests leonardo dicaprio he's a scorpio it's pretty nice but so is charles manson you know he's also a scorpio get what i'm saying the legend of the giant scorpion this goes back to ancient greek mythology when artemis was mad at orion she sent a giant scorpion to do her bidding and in turn the beast got a pass to the heavens nice you scorpios you're shady i'm watching you your venomous sting and going to heaven number nine leo leo the lion look at you roar okay we get it you're big and brave and bold and bashful i like the word bashful today i'm using that a lot but it's not your fault it's just the hands that you were dealt with right it's just life giving us some the zodiac myths surrounding this sign all began when hercules was a young chap remember hercules back when he was young good days hercules had to complete 12 tasks the first of which was defeating the nemean lion now after defeating the foul beast with just his bare his bare hands bare hercules hands his old hh the soul of said lion took its place among the stars now leo is one of the few animals of the zodiac signs beginning on july 24th stretching to august 23rd you leos are self-confident okay you don't need a hercules coming in and your day up you're the best at friendships you're a true companion but it's easy for somebody to take advantage of said kindness okay so watch your back watch those around you roar sometimes you know scare the screw the shady ones away you need to eat a hercules from time to time okay as history says leos are also known for getting revenge so yeah i'm watching you kyle number eight virgo the maiden of course i can't forget about you lovelies let's do it your season is arriving soon you're feeling it right it's in the air you're feeling the change in the air around you that back to school crisp morning error let the plotting begin let's do it beginning on august 24th and running until september 22nd the season of virgo is quite positive hey nice you're all creative this is the best time for you right you express yourself via music and dance you're kind of others you help others but those standards they can get a little high i'm not gonna lie they can get a little too ambitious you can be a bit judgy as well okay sometimes you can overthink emotions and or relationships and you're also masterminds which is a little terrifying we gotta keep an eye on you guys for sure this is a scary urban legend combo if things don't go their way they make things difficult and messy the constellation virgo has a dark backstory it stems from the destruction of pandora's box yeah remember when demons were released to punish humanity it's because of you get involved but not too involved let things happen don't open the box don't i almost tripped over the box don't open or trip over the box number seven cancer did somebody mention a giant crab that's pretty terrifying let's talk about that the constellation cancer was born from hera's hatred for hercules yeah you can't be slapping lions left right and center my friend and you can't get away with it as well stop it zeus is queen hera then sent a giant crab to kill hercules terrifying that ought to be quite the image looking back in your rear view seeing a giant crab behind you see ya hercules also defeated the crab because he's a unit okay nothing's stopping him he's literally hercules the crab pinched hercules toe and in turn he kicked it to the cosmos see you later pal gone but these stars this constellation is not bright on purpose see since the crab didn't accomplish its task it only gets about you know it only gets the 30 watt light bulbs up there in heaven gets the low dim stars that are kind of dying i don't know cancer is run from june 22 to july 22nd so it's getting kind of close get them while they're on your side right number six sagittarius the archer uh oh here we go heads up in greek mythology the archer of sagittarius their name was crotis there's a half goat and half man the sagittarius stands like donald trump he's just like kind of always always involved crotis was an extremely talented musician and huntsman who was attributed with inventing the bow and arrow okay nice the muses then asked zeus to place him in the stars where he can be seen showing off his you know it's cool that's the thing you guys are all show-offs right remember 2nd to december 21st the holiday season right no gotta look at me instead forget your holiday staff party my birthday's rolling around it's all a party for me nothing is more important than a sagittarius's desires okay we gotta remember that but they're soft at the heart even though they're all know what else they're soft in here okay number five capricorn aka the goat the g-o-a-t december 22nd to january 19th again show-offs right capricorns are represented by the sea goat but its dark side is represented by the leviathan great both i'd rather not be involved with if i'm being honest just like the sea itself capricorns can be extremely mysterious dark urban legend and dangerous yeah they can be dangerous there's always some kind of mystery going on with the capricorn and you truly never know what they're thinking capricorns can be very difficult to understand which can make people feel like they're hard to deal with but it's just you know they're complex creatures it's not us it's them hey it's not me it's actually you this time fun fact capricorns 2 can hold a grudge so if you're close to the capricorn this might be the year to really you know heal some things or watch your back and run away as far as possible because you never know okay you never know the capricorn i know a couple of these guys they're all right capricorns are chill i don't know why i'm roasting so hard number four taurus you mess with the bull you get the taurus hornesses a taurus is represented by the bull which is one of the most accurate zodiac pairings that there is but the dark side of your sign is represented by a fallen demon there's always drama with someone falling out of the skies or coming up from the hells just can we stay can we chill please things don't always go swimmingly for a tourist but they're strong and more often than not they end up making it to the other side of said difficult situations so keep it up tourists guys but this can make them tough souls right this is good this is all progress with all the trials and tribulations facing the past we might see a tourist closing themselves off more than ever before so if you're a tourist hit that thumbs up you know loosen up comment down below say hey i'm a tourist number three aquarius ganymede was the young beautiful prince of troy remember him oh so handsome anyone who looked at him any gender you're doomed pal you're sucked into that beauty january 20th to february 18th right the new year let's talk new love this is a fun one everybody else is getting attacked by cosmic crabs or sent on missions from half bull half man creatures over here everybody's trying to just not hook up with an aquarius that's their main goal is he looking at me oh he's so hot okay i have to go talk to him i'm sorry i'm sorry gandy mead was a swift addition to olympus as well as he charmed you know everybody and everything up there even zeus caught some feelings yeah zeus was like hang on zeus he disappointed hera a bit when he anointed ganymede as his lover and now his cupbearer yeah out of compassion ganymede begged zeus to then help him send rain to the thirsty people on earth and zeus out of love because he was so of course zeus agreed and ganymede was defined as aquarius aka god oh rain although an aquarius can have zero compassion sometimes they can ride solo at any point okay so don't ask for too much rain or else you'll run the well dry number two gemini gemini is represented by the twin but the dark side of their sign is the hydra or the basilisk yeah remember the basilisk from harry potter i think he has a stab in the mouth with a sword awesome you're one of those apparently a gemini gets a bad rep for being two-faced but i like to think of it more as multi-face you know like hey i can they're they're adaptable they're not shady they're not a basilisk they're an adaptalist geminis know their worth and their social butterflies who can adapt to the many situations they find themselves caught in right they're good on their feet but geminis can definitely be dangerous if you're not careful with the world opening back up gemini's might get a little too excited and get back out there we may see them making too many plans that they absolutely cannot keep up with is this me this sounds a lot like me yeah we should definitely start a podcast let's do it man next uh year maybe sure we can't keep up with plans i'm saying we this is definitely me and my soul it's also worth mentioning to try and be as clear as you can when you're speaking to a gemini because you might just see the other side right you might just get to them may 21st to june 20th go get em you immortal twins both of you and finally number one libra on my libra scales i'm weighing sins and forgiveness lil wayne 2011. great line the scales baby let's see what's going on here what's swaying over in this way i had to save the best for last you know being being a libra and all libras are represented by the scales and they're known as being one of the kindest signs of course but they absolutely have a dark side libras can be a bit harsh because they like things to be done well and they want their surroundings to be beautiful while they do it like this or this that's beautiful right this can however make them a tad selfish or you know a lot selfish yeah i'm talking about you pal it's me and the prompter i'm just a little pep talk here libras have a good tendency to look at the bigger picture and they strive to please and make others happy but this can often leave them forgetting about themselves right what about me damn it this year it might be easy for libras to get burnt out trying to please others it's also the only sign that's represented by an inanimate object so that's that's cool as well i'm like hey i'm an object that weighs things i'm not a fish or a crab or a lion just the scale theomist the god of justice holds a scale blindfolded in greek mythology yeah we don't look but we do judge here we go september 23rd to october 22nd number 10 aries okay since these are top tens i was forced to leave two zodiac signs out of part one so yeah of course i had to return with more because that's just unfair right so kicking off this list we have aries the big warrior main character energy coming in hot you aries you are fierce your innovators your competitors you like being the leader of the pack historically though ares have abused said leadership kim il-sung for example the communist leader of north korea back in 1948 he started the korean war and took out 90 of his generals that fought in that war paul pott as well the prime minister of cambodia from 1976 to 1979. he ordered a genocide against the entire country so while it's one thing to be ruthless during your conquests do you remember that historically aries they have no idea when it stops number nine pisces we'll head back to greek mythology to kick this one off for our pisces pisces is the fish when referred to in greek mythology you all are fishy apparently you like swimming upstream aphrodite and arrows were walking along the euphrates river when typhon appeared okay now at this point they were terrified the two of course they were both unable to run from him due to size and power so they called upon zeus instead and asked for help they asked zeus to help turn them into fish so that they could then escape into the river yeah that's why pisces are so good at improv you adapt to survive number eight aquarius aquarius yes oh you love swimming right aqua you must like the water aquarius is an air symbol yep pass it on to everybody you know let's fix that but you're used to it right as an aquarius you know how to keep calm and just carry on whatever aquarius is the water bearer they pour the blessings onto humanity right many myths surround the aquarius symbol like ganymede ducallion if you're an aquarius odds are you're a creative humanitarian people will be attracted to you you know people are looking at you they know what's up they know the goods when they see it but you do have to know when to push back a little bit you know don't let them take advantage of your hard work ethic again draw that line somewhere number seven sagittarius sagittarius son of the titan kronos one of the many centaurs in greek mythology now kiran sagittarius he was different than other centaurs yeah he was a different he was born half man and half horse whereas the other centaurs were born of the sun and rain clouds one day kiron was accidentally shot with a poisoned arrow by hercules even though he was a great physician kiron could not heal himself being immortal kiron could also not die but was pained by the poison arrow so we have a little situation here so in order to die kiron offered to replace prometheus who was punished by the gods for you know giving fire to man here you go bad decision so now you a sagittarius this is when you step up you put yourself on the line solving a greater problem while handling one of your own as kiran gave up his immortality to release prometheus from his chains zeus you know king of the gods saw this kindness of kiron and immortalized him in the stars number six capricorn let me guess you're in the middle of a commitment that you shouldn't have taken on nice you're an awesome keep it up capricorn nice i feel like a capricorn this week only you know apparently you're work focused and also a little boring yeah sorry i personally disagree but the internet seems to have you all figured out saturn is your planetary overseer right it's known for rewarding those who work in every aspect of their lives not just you know work work or relationships you gotta spread it all out be a hustler and you are a hustler but you're also the first to let loose and dance the night away okay you're literally the goat that's your symbol you're the goat you're born between december 22nd and january 19th aka the holiday season that's a hot time for a birthday everyone's focused on holidays everyone's focused on things besides you but in order to get attention you need to be loud and you have to be big right i get that when regarding to astrology capricorn is an earth sign and people born under said sign are responsible they're patient they're ambitious all that good stuff capricorn is also associated with the idea of permanence right as it's one of the constellations that remains in the sky all year long it's reliable for star gazers and you know you're liable for us keep it up hit that thumbs up your reliable soul you number five libras okay for a halfway point here let's balance it out my personal sign the libra let's talk mythology about us flip-floppers shall we yeah libras love bailing who knew libra is a masculine sign ruled by venus of course balanced by the opposite sign aries and also ruled by mars the combination of both masculine and feminine in the quality of science and its ruler allows for libras to have an androgynous field that's reflected in said mythology we're represented by a scale okay everyone else gets animals to get a lion or a fish we get a meat scale that's horrible this means we're balanced in a sense of feelings and ideas and also that we love guitar hero too that's on this one a lot really when the sun rose and libra at the autumn equinox the scales of balance belong to the sun god you two or shamash youtube ruled over justice and truth and was associated with law and order that's why when we see law courts or all that good stuff we always see the sun god blindfolded sort of judgment in one hand and scales of judgment in the other yeah we don't get a cool animal but we get a sword number four leos the lion leo the lion we have to mention you again of course the constellation leo was first noted by the greek astronomer polami this is in the second century along with you know the other ones as well greek astrologers played a huge role in what we now know today about the shape and size of the earth the moon and the positions of constellations and how they move all that good planetary confusing stuff this was the first ever cosmic prediction and these predictions are still going strong to this day i mean clearly run part two here so we all check our horoscopes every now and then that's obvious and for some these horoscopes mean a lot so let's go back in history the oldest example of a lion statue here goes back to 40 000 bce found in the holenstein steadall cave in germany this lion man was carved from mammoth ivory and was originally thought to be a goddess figurine but of course later on it was clear the 30 centimeter high statue was half man and half beast looking a little familiar right look a little leo like the lion man represents a shaman wearing the pelt of a lion in order to take on the animal's power perhaps as a part of a hunting ritual so yeah all you leos aren't afraid to get dirty number three scorpio october 23rd to november 21st you spooky asses greek mythology associates scorpio story of orion which was a giant and also an accomplished hunter of course and also most importantly he was the son of one poseidon you got some big shoes to fill my friend but no sweat you're a scorpio you can do anything one version of the myth has orion who held himself in high regard bragging about his hunting skills of course as one orion would so that's one way you scorpios like to get down and according to greek myths depending on which of the many you're reading artemis a hunter in your own right sent a scorpion to kill him so what goes around comes around don't get too cocky hit that thumbs up number two cancer june 21st to july 22nd the constellation of cancer in itself identifies with the second of the twelve labors assigned to the hero of greek mythology himself uh oh hercules yeah you big strong beautiful menu this task wasn't easy but you did it yeah congrats you sitting in your living room you did it you killed learning congratulations you actually defeated a water snake with nine heads yeah you hit that thumbs up you did it if you have cancer in your birth chart you're compassionate and caring you have a strong connection to your emotions and you may find yourself drawn to careers that involve helping others you're loyal and supportive and you place a high value on family and close relationships nice and you also love taking off heads of hydros and finally number one aries yeah i had to talk about you bad asses once again i left you out of part one because i knew you could handle it okay last we spoke about ares it was a dark light okay a lot of horrible leaders in history have burned the mark but there's good too out there okay aries are not afraid to step away from said limelight they have self-awareness even at times when you shouldn't necessarily speak up or it's you know ill-timing march 20th to april 21st if you're born around there sorry to tell you you're stubborn you're willful and you're impulsive but you're also pretty cool a common denominator here when searching up in aries throughout history is that you all get quite jealous hence why i put you first and last on this list yeah stay chilling aries relax starting yourself at number 10 are leos loki the best sign and yes i'm totally biased if you are a leo number one congratulations and number two that means you were born between july 23rd and august 23rd now let's get into me basically trash talking my own sign for a next few minutes now leos are ruled by fire we're literally represented by the lion i haven't even named a trait yet and those things are already dangerous we have high tempers which i can see i can totally see that although i haiki actually never fought with anyone just letting you know we are known to have huge egos and think highly of ourselves which i can totally attest to and i've seen it in literally every leo i've ever met this sign likes control they like to be at the center of attention and have hugely dominating personalities which makes them charming it makes other people want to listen to them which could be dangerous they're notoriously passionate and feisty but once they lose their temper that's it that could locally be a psychotic break if you're not careful if these signs are committing a crime it would be to become famous essentially and i was thinking about it and i actually agree like if i was going to commit a crime i'd at least want to be on the front page of newspapers for it like i don't want to just be put in jail and just kill for no reason you know what i mean i just need the credit i need the clout infamously dangerous leos include myself victims one myself the acid bath killer six to nine victims the cleveland strangler 11 victims rasputin mussolini and one half of the moose murderers myra hindley five victims oh coming in at number nine are scorpios born between october 24th and november 22nd so happy birthday in advance to all the scorpios watching right now now here's where i insult you again not my own opinions so scorpios are known to be jealous aggressive and sadistic which honestly seems like the perfect three ingredients needed for a very dangerous murderous stir fry we're creating right now they're actually considered the most sadistic signer of all of them and an evil scorpio won't even buy an eyelid when committing a murder that's just like a casual saturday night for them like no biggie they're cunning in a way that they might not always be committing the crime themselves but they'll always be the puppet master no doubt so manipulation is a skill they very much have under their belt as well they're unpredictable and extremely intense too so all in all i feel like this combo was made for danger infamously dangerous scorpios include charles manson the giggling granny 11 victims hell's bell 40 plus victims alton coleman eight victims and the sunday morning slasher 20 to 100 victims at number eight we have pisces and if you are a pisces that means you were born between february 19th and march 20th but what we need to know about this sign you know what they say beware of the fish that swims in two directions now is that euphemism for being two-faced we shall find out now this sign is extremely hot tempered and they do have this hidden dark side so that's where the two fish come in unlike the other signs on the list pisceans are more dangerous to themselves than they are to other people which i mean is great if you're other people but bad if you're a pisces it's hard to imagine the sign is dangerous since they are usually so loving and caring but they also have little to no self-control they're known for substance abuse crimes but if you don't keep their self-destructive nature in check it starts going outward and destroying other people aka murder we're talking murder people they can become insecure and unstable and that's what makes them a risky sign they have trust issues but let's face it don't we all and they can very easily become addicted to substances or people and being addicted to a person is the most dangerous thing of all in my opinion infamous pisceans include osama bin laden john wayne gacy the clown killer who had 34 victims the scorecard killer 20 to 70 victims the night stalker 14 victims the green river killer 50 to 90 victims the btk killer 10 victims the meanest man in america 10 victims and so on oh my god the list for pisces was so long i was surprised i was shook didn't know there were that many problematic ones out of you clearly they are i'm watching out for you now now at number six is virgo and if you are one that means you're born between august 24th and september 23rd so firstly again happy belated birthday and secondly you better not be on your criminal bullsh virgos are known to be perfectionist which is great when it comes to daily life until it consumes you but it's even better when you're a murderer they say the perfect crime doesn't exist but virgos would disagree these signs have a criminal streak in them but then again don't we all they're clean they're deliberate and neat with everything they do meaning every single thing they do has purpose and they will never leave a messy trail leading back to them they will sterilize the hell out of that crime scene so by the time they're done with it it's gonna be cleaner than it was first built i'm not saying something that is saying something and that is what makes them so dangerous they're sneaky but luckily for us murder isn't their go-to crime thank they prefer smaller crimes and would lean towards things like stealing and hacking so i mean they won't kill you but they could easily just hack into your bank account and empty it so i mean you tell me would you rather be dead or poor that's what i thought infamous virgos include ivan the terrible serial killer henry lee lucas 150 plus victims the dating game killer 10 to 130 victims the angel of death gerald stano 20 to 40 victims the boston strangler 13 victims and so on coming in at number five is cat record born between december 23rd and january 20th my family is filled with capricorns my sisters and my mom are all that and considering they're meant to be all around crooks that simply just isn't the vibe we're going for here now according to the fbi this sign is behind a lot of mass murders they're extremely dangerous because they are that jack of all trades sign they're gonna be the ones committing the petty small crimes like theft but they're also gonna be the signs committing sadistic ass murders there's really no in between they're probably gonna wake up and be like hmm how am i feeling today do i want to rob a bank or do i just want to run someone over don't know guess i'll just decide when i get in the car that's just their daily decision making i think but on the downside they're quite bad at covering their tracks meaning they're careless and get caught easily which is actually interesting to hear because i feel like my mum and sisters pay so much attention to detail i can't even so i can't even see them being careless so again like i said not every single thing will apply to you and that's fine infamously dangerous capricorns include serial killer william bonin victims 20 to 40 people the candyman 30 plus victims the alligator man two to 20 victims ian brady the moose murderer and the brooklyn strangler both with five victims each at number four is ares which means your birthday falls between march 21st and april 19th and yes my ex wasn't aries and he's in jail now so no i'm kidding but just fyi we're actually in really good terms i just like making x jokes i know i make a lot and you guys probably actually so salty i'm not either way from experience and reading a ton of zodiac sign magazines when i was younger the first thing i think of when i think about an aries is stubbornness this is one of the most stubborn and proud signs out there and they don't like being dominated or challenged from any angle and if you try to do either of those things they will go off they're also extremely hot-headed which yes i agree and once they lose their temper that is it all they see is red thankfully they calm down quite quickly so they may get crazy aggressive in that angry period but not enough to actually kill someone so thank god now aryans go for the illegal kind of dangerous like becoming hit men or assassins that sort of thing infamous aryans include hitler the racist killer not the same person by the way seven to 22 victims serial killer donald harvey 30 to 60 victims the happy face killer eight victims the casanova killer 18 to 40 victims herbert mullen 13 victims the serpent and believe me this list is a lot more expensive than i wanted it to be because i feel like i have a thing for aryans i always just seem to find myself like attracted to them and that's just problematic isn't it very problematic indeed we'll sort this out in therapy filling our number three slot is sagittarius i'm born between november 23rd and december 22nd sagittarians can be absolutely ruthless when you meet a bad one they are the worst of the worst they're volatile unforgiving and just all around harsh now they aren't the go-to serial killer zodiac by any means and that's good and they won't actually kill unless they absolutely need to this sign is actually known to be a great thief and generally quite crafty there's a long-ass list of criminals that escape from prison and a majority of them are sagittarius so i mean you gotta give credit where it's due like that's a big feat now according to the fbi statistics they're the craziest of all signs which i don't even get they're the craziest why are they not at number one why are they at number three they're great at the triple whammy of what it takes to be a mass crime committer manipulation control and leading famous urban legend dangerous sagittarians include resident serial killer ted bundy who escaped from jail twice pablo fricken escobar joseph stalin the torso killer six plus victims the stocking strangler seven victims and serial killer edmund kemper ten victims do you guys have an impressive list i have to say now at number two is taurus the stubborn bull falls between april 20th and may 20th and i was actually very surprised to see this at number two i know a lot of taureans my friend leanne who did my birth chat as a tourist and she's quite chill as you know as a kid she used to beat us up so forgot about that natural at all either way taurians may not be the serial killers on the list but they are the ones that love money luxury and power that mixed with them being extremely temperamental possessive and stubborn becomes an explosive mixture this love and greed can force torns onto dangerous paths to get what they want which makes them a risky sign they're natural born leaders bordering on the line of dictatorship so i mean take from that what you will infamous dangerous taureans include saddam hussein the lonely hearts killer who had 17 victims amy archer gilligan 50 victims h.h holmes aka the torture doctor killer nine to 200 victims the gorilla killer 22 plus victims and bonus one was actually born on the cusp so depending on what time he was actually born he could very well be a tourist and honestly i wasn't that convinced about taureans being dangerous but seeing the people on this list i'm like damn you're problematic and finally at number one is cancer which is june 21st to july 22nd and believe me i looked at countless websites and fbi statistics that named cancer as the most dangerous zodiac sign that wasn't even me reaching according to fbi statistics cancerians are the most dangerous simply because they have a lack of control over themselves and are known for mental instability they're actually arrested the most out of any of the signs and that instability usually makes them repeat offenders they exhibit a lot of manipulative and passive aggressive behavior which i mean makes it hard to understand them and figure them out and what their next move would be but i feel like everyone is passive aggressive to a degree not just cancerians but they're known for committing crimes of passion and for leaving distinguishable marks on their victims as bodies now a bit of tea now i have only ever had beef with cancers but i also have a lot of friends that have cancer so it's just like a love-hate relationship like what do we do do i love you do i hate you i don't really know.



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