Top 10 Space Mysteries We Should NEVER Try To Solve

Top 10 Space Mysteries We Should NEVER Try To Solve
when it comes to the infinite expanse of space I personally choose not to question a lot of it space is terrifying and there is so much in space that could destroy our entire planet we could do absolutely nothing about it so today on most amazing top 10 I'm Adam Andrews and we're talking about the top 10 space Mysteries we should just never try to solve there's a lot here I don't really understand or that I may gloss over or even get wrong so I invite you to discuss everything in this video down below hey butts coming in at number 10 what came before the Big Bang so the Big Bang was what started the universe billions of billions of Earth years ago but like what came before that we honestly don't really know and our smartest Minds theorize the answer is extremely simple Stephen Hawking noted that the answer could literally be nothing we have no observable evidence of what came before everything I come from the top 10 nerd Channel and this question has been answered in different ways in comic books in Marvel they say that we are in a version of the cosmos meaning there was a previous version that ended up getting destroyed and remade but if that's the case what's doing the destroying and the remaking if nothing came before then what the heck caused the Big Bang in the first place if there was something before what would that do to the way we think about the universe and if something is responsible for it all I don't know if our tiny little human brains could actually handle that number nine gravity paradox this question is a pretty simple one but yet it's got a lot of scientists kind of completely stumped why can a refrigerator magnet defy an entire planet's gravitational pull it's basically asking why gravity can be such a strong force in the universe but also be such a weak one in other instances some scientists believe that gravity May well be as strong as other forces like electromagnetism and the force that holds the nucleus together but they think that gravity's influence is dissipated because it leaks into extra dimensions that's just the theory though because we actually have no idea that most famous urban legend one little question about refrigerator magnets has kind of brought the whole idea of gravity into question if it is being dissipated into extra Dimensions that opens up way more questions than it actually answers obviously I'm not smart enough to answer this question I am after all just a YouTube host not a scientist but I would just think it's all subjective right like a planet is so huge that the things that are on the planet would have to follow different gravitational rules right and like a magnet is still being affected by the Earth's gravity it's just so small in comparison that it can do its own thing I'm literally talking about my butt right now I I honestly don't know what I'm talking about we should just move on before I make myself sound more dumb than I already am Number Eight how big is the universe I don't know if you guys have seen that clip from Pete Holmes stand-up routine but he talks about how none of any of this makes any sense the universe is constantly expanding and infinitely Infinity is getting bigger and like Pete says that makes no freaking sense if the universe is constantly expanding and we know it's constantly expanding then when posed with the question of how big the universe is someone would be able to give you an answer but we don't actually have a number for that because we literally don't know the shape of the universe and we don't know the actual rate at which the universe is expanding we just know that it is to me this question Almost Doesn't Matter from most of us because even if we were to try to go to the edge of the universe no one here can live long enough to make that Journey it takes roughly 9 to 12 years to get to Pluto and that's just the furthest planet yes I'm calling it a planet in our solar system which itself is just an extremely tiny Speck in our Milky Way galaxy which is also just a tiny Speck in the vastness of the universe it's all too big this is what I'm basically saying here number seven expansion the last Point does Lead Me nicely to into this next point though which is the fact that while we know the universe is constantly expanding we can't actually put a pin on the rate at which it is actually expanding for the past six years the Hubble Space Telescope has been calculating the speed at which the universe is expanding and recently came up with what is accepted as the most precise measurement to date except that the rate stands in direct conflict with independent measurements of the early universe's expansion that's unsettling for astrophysicists because it means we know even less about our universe and its ways than we thought we did but if we do learn this one would that be a good thing or would it just help us all feel more and more meaningless and Tiny of course these are scientific questions or emotions about these things aren't really important but I'm just saying I already feel small and insignificant number six the Multiverse if you have been keeping up with the MCU then you are at least familiar with the idea of a Multiverse essentially it means that if you go far enough into the universe things would have to start repeating because there's only a finite number of ways that particles can be arranged in space and time according to theories the universe is flat and infinite so those particles would have to repeat creating Another Universe with another Earth and yes another you and because it's all infinite there would be infinite versions of you who could be doing the exact same things as you right now or maybe they wore different clothes today or had completely different job where honestly they're an infinite number of variables here the thing is we will most likely never know if this theory is true or not and even if we did that means there would be an evil alternate you or maybe or maybe you are the evil alternate one I don't know I don't know about that one man I don't like that number five what the heck is dark matter no lights or at least too little light for us to detect we know it exists because we see the effect of its gravity on the stars and the galaxies like the Milky Way which could not have dragged in enough matter to make its own stars in the 13.82 billion years since the Big Bang without there being a lot of invisible matter whose extra gravity helped speed things along I hope that wasn't too confusing the European Space Agency Planck satellite found that dark matter accounts for 26.8 percent of the mass energy of the universe mysteries urban legend compared with the 4.5 percent of normal Atomic matter this basically means that dark matter outweighs the visible stars and galaxies that we can actually see by a factor of about six and yet no earth-based experiment has found any evidence of dark matter at all and we have been looking for a long time it's totally possible that our theory of matter or more likely our theory of gravity needs to be reworked and fiddled with it's also possible that maybe the universe is filled with dark stars and dark planets and dark life what does that even mean I I don't know do you know because I don't number four what is time and does it even exist so when we talk about time we imagine it flowing like a river like a Time stream but for something to Flow by definition it has to flow with respect to something else like how a river flows with respect to a river bank so does time flow with respect to something else another kind of time maybe I I don't know the idea seems kind of stupid and kind of just made up but most likely the flow of time is an illusion that we created on our own with our brains to organize the information constantly flooding in through our senses we also have a strong sense of a shared past present and future however the idea of a common present meaning the time right now that everyone's in doesn't actually exist in our understanding of Relativity precisely how someone else's time is sliced up depends on how fast they are moving relative to you or the strength of the gravity they are experiencing these effects are only really note noticeable with things like the speed of light and super massive gravity which is why they are not super obvious to us in everyday life but it basically means the idea that one person's interval of time is not the same as another person's and that one person's interval of time is not the same as in others if you watch Interstellar there's a pretty basic explanation of this as different members of the crew age differently as they split up to different places around a massive black hole and other planets whose gravities affect all the characters differently time wise it's just my brain hurts actually a lot right now number three do have everything wrong Isaac Newton's theory of gravity was accurate enough to fly spacecraft to the moon but it began breaking down when extremely high speeds and very strong gravitational fields became known to us then Einstein's theory of general relativity came in and was a better alternative it correctly describes the bending of Starlight by gravity the orbital decay of binary pulsars and the warping of space-time around a black hole really cool stuff like that general relativity is currently physicists best theory of gravity but it doesn't answer everything obviously which is why history will probably repeat itself and physicists might discover small effects that would hint at an even better theory of gravity Einstein's theory has passed most of the things that might test it with flying colors but physicists will keep putting their theories on the rack one day it may even fail not being completely wrong but just one small part to a bigger puzzle that none of us will be alive to learn the answer to number two you Earth martians oh boy this one's a doozy okay so look we take it for granted that life on Earth actually began here we just kind of assumed that that's the way things worked but that's not actually necessarily accurate apparently scientists are actually finding evidence that life on Earth may have instead come from Mars and was brought to this planet by like a meteorite at some point in Earth's incredibly long history the trouble is that scientists themselves can't even agree on which area of science will provide the answer to this conundrum and let alone whether science is even where we should look to answer it which like Pete said about the universe's expansion that makes no freaking sense what do you mean what do you mean we can't what number one aliens since the early 1960s scientists have theorized that it's extremely likely that intelligent life exists outside of Earth and I for one totally agree the math kind of has to mean it's true the universe is ever expanding infinite and contains countless other galaxies just like ours with planets that would be in the similar position as ours is to their sun and with the right conditions for life to actually Thrive and grow like the planet Kepler-186f which you should look up if you haven't before it's kind of cool the trouble is that we have basically zero scientific evidence to prove that the life could potentially exist or does in fact exist in fact we have no hard scientific evidence that any life exists outside of Earth although with that planet we actually just can't see that far down onto like the surface of the planet to see what's going on so it could be there we just can't see it although we are finding some fun stuff on Mars that may say otherwise the time may be drawing closer and closer to when science confirms that there is life elsewhere in our solar system or the Galaxy or at least somewhere in the universe and I really hope I'm alive for that the thing that gets me though is if whatever is out there isn't Advanced enough to see us too and if it is Advanced enough to see us then is it Advanced enough to make it here and if that's the case then um we are not as advanced as that and we should stand no chance in defending ourselves against something like that assuming they would want to hurt us which as humans we would just assume they would and if they didn't I think our stupid human brains wouldn't be able to handle the fear of not knowing and we do something dumb like attack them and then we'd be gone because we just can't stand up to that kind of thing you know what I'm saying that's all the time I've got I need a nap word to just sit down because that was a lot so I'll catch you on the flippy flop and stay safe out there and don't think about space too much foreign.



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