Top 10 Secrets To Immortality Found In History

Top 10 Secrets To Immortality Found In History

to live forever sounds like a dream but  alas life is fragile and time is  fleeting this hasn't stopped people from  searching though the search for  immortality has been well documented  throughout our history as anyone with  that power would seemingly have it all  right from the evidence in greek and  roman mythology to the stories of  ancient and medieval alchemists to a  recent discovery that just may hold the  secrets to everlasting life on today's  top 10 list we are going to be talking  about the top 10 secrets to immortality  found in history starting off this list  in our number 10 spot we have the  mushroom of immortality as early as  475 bce there are written records that  reference the mushroom of immortality  which was the key ingredient in the  elixir of life the lingzi which is  translated to mean supernatural mushroom  is the oldest known mushroom to be used  medically which is super cool according  to the book of han people who were  masters of esoterica alchemists and  magicians known as the fang shi knew the  secret locations on mount penglai where  these immortality mushrooms grew but no  one else did this resulted in several  qin and han emperors who sent large  expeditions to search for the mushrooms  of immortality but to no avail while  these mushrooms are still used in  traditional chinese medicine today it  doesn't seem as though anyone has been  able to actually achieve immortality  from them but maybe we just don't have  the correct recipe anymore in our number  nine spot today we have amrita there is  a collection of vedic hymns called the  rig veda and according to these hindu  hymns amrita which is sometimes called  soma is a drink that can give someone  immortality rigveda 8 48 3 says we have  drunk soma and become immortal we have  attained the light the gods discovered  now what may fomen's malice do harm to  us what o immortal mortal man's  deception while amrita and its  consumption by humans has been well  documented throughout history the  knowledge of where to get it has been  lost it is believed to have been some  sort of plant or fungus and the  instructions for the preparation of it  involved things like pounding parts of  the plant into a paste or to release its  juices it would then sometimes be  filtered through wool and then mixed  with cow's milk before being consumed  amrita was often said to have been found  in mountainous regions but despite there  being such detailed accounts of its use  the true identity of it has been lost  and now sometimes ritual prayers will  include an apology to the gods for the  lack of amrita in our number eight spot  today we have ambrosia this is sometimes  known as the nectar of the gods and is  often referred to in ancient greek  mythology it is unclear if ambrosia and  nectar were originally separately  distinguished but as of now it is  commonly accepted that nectar is usually  the drink form with ambrosia being the  food form but regardless this is the  food and drink of the gods apparently  nectar can be translated to death  overcoming and that makes a lot of sense  in mythology this drink is usually said  to have brought longevity or immortality  to whoever consumed it it was brought to  the gods in olympus by doves and it was  served by either [ __ ] or ganymede at the  heavenly feast the consumption of  ambrosia was usually reserved for divine  beings and can be seen in stories like  when heracles is given ambrosia by  athena upon his transition into  immortality in our number seven spot  today we have the epic of gilgamesh the  first known instance of the search for  immortality is found in the epic of  gilgamesh in it gilgamesh fears the  fragility of life after the death of his  companion enkidu because of this he  seeks out you now pushed him this guy is  a similar figure to noah in mesopotamian  mythology who was a servant of the great  alchemist of the reign who ended up  later becoming immortal so gilgamesh is  searching this guy out to seek the  answers to immortality and when he finds  him he tells him to abandon his search  for immortality but he also gives him a  trial to defy sleep if he truly wishes  to be immortal spoiler alert gilgamesh  fails the trial after this the guy tells  him about a plant that can make him  young again this plant is located at the  bottom of the sea and gilgamesh does end  up obtaining it but it is soon stolen by  a serpent i guess using this story as  reference it would appear as though  there's some sort of trial that can  grant immortality but when all else  fails there might just be some sort of  plant at the bottom of the sea that will  do the trick just gotta watch out for  those sneaky snakes in our number six  spot today we have metal metals are  pretty strong usually and some seem to  be even indestructible so it would  totally make sense that there was once a  train of thought where if a human  consumed these metals they too would  take on the properties of being strong  and indestructible right flawed logic  aside this really once used to be the  way of thinking mercury was a metal that  was astounding to alchemists a metal  that is in liquid at room temperature  while that might have been super cool at  the time the poisonings that were about  to happen in the name of immortality  certainly were not the roman god mercury  is the equivalent to the greek god or  maze and the egyptian deity thoth all of  these figures are said to have consumed  liquid gold or white drops in order to  achieve immortality and it's these  stories that caused ancient and medieval  alchemists to believe that if they could  either find a way to suspend gold in  liquid form or mix gold and mercury  together then they would have found the  recipe to immortality in our number five  spot today we have nicholas flamel if  you're a harry potter fan you've  definitely heard this name before but  did you know that the character is  actually based off of a real person  nicholas flamel lived from 1330 to 1418  and he was a successful french  bookseller what's curious however is  that about 200 years after his death  there began to be texts that surfaced  that were attributed to him according to  these texts nicholas had learned the  secrets of alchemy from jewish  alchemists while traveling in spain and  it is said that during this time he  acquired the original copy of the book  of abram melon the mage it was then  claimed that nicholas was the one who  held the elixir of life as well as the  secrets of transmutation and it was also  claimed that he was probably still alive  somewhere in our number four spot today  we have the philosopher's stone while  we're on the topic we might as well talk  about another story from history that  relates to the infamous stone there is a  legend that suggests that the stone is  located in a creek in philadelphia in  the 17th century a group called the  society of women in the wilderness  settled in the woods outside of the  germantown section of philadelphia this  group was led by an occultist named  johannes kelpius and he believed that  the world was going to end in 1694. the  group spent most of their time in caves  in peaceful meditation just living their  best lives and you might be sitting  there wondering why i'm talking about  this rumor has it that johannes actually  had the philosopher's stone as he was  its guardian and he kept it hidden  inside of his meditation DEADLY UFO ATTACKS cave it is said  that before he passed away he explained  the secrets of the stone and instructed  the women of the group to toss the stone  into the nearby creek after he passed to  which they obliged today this meditation  cave is still accessible and it is now  marked as a historic site in our number  three spot today we have the moon rabbit  the moon rabbit comes from chinese  folklore and is usually depicted while  holding a mortar and pestle to mix up  the elixir of immortality in the lore  the moon rabbit is the companion of a  goddess who lives on the moon in some  stories she is a mortal human and in  others she is an outcast deity who  consumed too much of the elixir of  immortality and floated up to the moon  there are some stories however that  claim that she consumed too much of the  elixir on purpose to float up to the  moon to get away from her husband either  way it's clear she had too much but  floating up to the moon sounds like kind  of a fun time in our number two spot  today we have the fountain of youth the  fountain of youth has been written about  for thousands of years it is said to be  a spring that allegedly restores the  youth of anyone who is lucky enough to  bathe in or drink the waters there are  so many stories of the mythical fountain  of youth it has led many explorers and  adventurers to set out in search of it  this legend really gained a lot of  notoriety in the 16th century when it  became associated with the spanish  explorer juan ponce de leon who was the  first governor of puerto rico it is said  that while he was searching for the  fountain of youth he actually found  florida in 1513 which i gotta admit  probably isn't the same at all legend  goes that at the time he was in florida KOREAN URBAN LEGENDS the indigenous people told him that he  could find the fountain of youth in  bimini in our number one spot today we  have the benjamin button jellyfish well  it seemed fitting to end off today's  list with one that's a little bit more  recent and this discovery may be the  real actual key to immortality this  jellyfish was first discovered in 1883  but its superpower wasn't actually  realized until the 1990s what makes this  jelly so special is that it has the  ability to transform its adult self back  into a baby and it can't only do this  just once it can do it over and over  again to be totally honest a lot of  these jellies do die in the good old  fashion way but when in an emergency  situation such as starvation or physical  damage or something along those lines  instead of quickly meeting death these  jellies can transform all of their  existing cells into a younger state the  jellyfish will turn itself into a  blob-like state and then it will develop  into a polyp colony which is essentially  the first stage in the life of a  jellyfish researchers are of course  looking into how this is possible for  the jelly as well as trying to find out  how this could be used to help humans as  well maybe the key to immortality has  really just been swimming around in the  ocean this whole time alright guys that  has been our list for today thank you so  much for checking it out don't forget to  hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed  the video today and don't forget to  subscribe i've been your host today  olivia kosilovsky and i'll see y'all  next time bye  [Music]  and that's it  all right  interesting ponytail okay by either [ __ ]  or  ganymede ganymede i think that's yeah  because of this he seeks out you nap  pushed him you nat pushed him  [Laughter]  these pronunciations are so funny  because of this he seeks out you nap you  now pushed him you now pushed him  oh god it was led by an occultist named  johann  johann johannes  sure  [Music]  [Music]  you




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